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Possible Lesson Plans

  1. Introduction on how dogs learn
    • Including tips on how to set up an effective training session.
  2. Verbal markers
    • Verbal markers are words or sounds that communicate to the dog that it is doing something correctly or incorrectly. You will learn how to teach a Positive Marker (to tell your dog that it is doing something correctly and to keep doing it), a No-Reward Marker (to tell your dog that what it is doing is not exactly what you are looking for and to try something else), a Release Marker (to tell your dog that it is done working), and a Negative Marker (to tell your dog that it is doing something incorrectly). Not only will you and your dog understand each other better, but your dog will learn new things faster and easier!
  3. House training
    • We will provide advice on potty training and how to keep your home safe for your dog, as well as tips on inculcating clear boundaries and structure, including physical boundaries like crate training, which are essential building blocks for a healthy relationship with your dog. Established boundaries in your dog’s life provide safety, clarity and support relaxation in a dog, whereas a lack of structure and boundaries can lead to behavioural issues such as stress, anxiety, fear and aggression.
  4. Basic obedience and other useful commands
    • Sit (sit upright), Down (lay down), Stay (remain in position), Come (when called), Heel (to follow you by your side, walk when you walk and sit when you stop), and Place (to go to and remain on a mat)
    • Leave It (to ignore something), and Drop It (to let go of something)
  5. Basics of good socialisation
    • Socialisation is crucial for healthy development and helps a dog feel more comfortable and confident in various environments and situations, for example outside their comfort zone, during fireworks or thunderstorms, when meeting new people or new dogs, or being handled at the groomer or veterinarian’s office.
  6. Addressing problematic and undesired behaviours
    • We will provide advice and tips on curbing and stopping problematic and undesirable behaviours such as jumping, barking, nipping, picking up trash, running out the door, lunging and pulling on the leash, and stealing food from the table.
  7. Basic grooming
    • We will provide advice and tips on keeping your dog’s eyes, ears and teeth clean, brushing their coat, and trimming their nails.
  8. Introduction on the phases of dog training
    • Learning, Correcting, Generalising and Maintenance.
  9. Generalise behaviours and incorporate into daily life
    • Teaching your dog how to perform the basic obedience commands at home and in different places, as well as incorporating them into your daily life is the start of your dog learning how to be a well-mannered individual.
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